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WBCS 2023 SOLUTION WITH EXPLANATION 1 TO 50 পরীক্ষার সম্পূর্ণ সমাধান

WBCS 2023




1. Fill in the blank with the correct word:


One should   ……………….    one's studies with utmost seriousness.

(A) persue

(B) parsue

(C) pirsue

(D) pursue


The correct word to fill in the blank is (D) pursue.


· "Pursue" is the correct spelling of the word in the context of the sentence.

· "Persue," "parsue," and "pirsue" are misspellings and do not represent the correct form of the word.

· The correct sentence would be: "One should pursue one's studies with utmost seriousness."


The correct word is: (D) pursue


2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.


I am indebted to my friend's wise …………………..


(A) council

(B) councel

(C) counsil

(D) counsel


The correct word is:

(D) counsel

The sentence would read: "I am indebted to my friend's wise counsel."


· "Counsel" refers to advice or guidance, especially when given by someone with wisdom or experience.

· "Council" refers to a group of people who are assembled for a specific purpose, such as a legislative council.

· "Councel" and "Counsil" are incorrect spellings and do not exist in standard English.

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3. Choose the word that best replaces the italicized words in the given sentence-In earlier times, rebels were executed for killing the king.


(A) homicide

(B) regicide

(C) parricide

 (D) fratricide


The correct word that best replaces the italicized words in the given sentence is:

(B) regicide


· "Homicide" refers to the killing of a person in general, not specifically a king.

· "Parricide" is the act of killing one's own close relative, usually a parent, and is not relevant in the context of killing a king.

· "Fratricide" refers to the killing of one's own brother, which is also not relevant in the context of killing a king.

· "Regicide" specifically refers to the killing of a king, making it the most appropriate choice in the given sentence.




 4. Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to "Vicarious”


(A) Vituperative

(B) Indirect

(C) Supportive

(D) Isolated


The word "vicarious" means experiencing something through another person or by imagining the experiences of another, rather than directly experiencing it oneself.

Among the given options:

· (B) Indirect is the word that is nearest in meaning to "vicarious." Indirect implies not directly involved or experienced, which aligns with the idea of experiencing something through someone else in a vicarious manner.

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5. Choose the correct option to frame a question from the following sentence, using the appropriate

punctuation -I asked him why he wasn't in class.


(A) I asked him-"Why you not in class?"


(B) I asked him, "Why you are not in class?


(C) I asked him: "Why you are not in class?’


(D) I asked him, "Why are you not in class?”



The correct option is: (D) I asked him, "Why are you not in class?”

Explanation: In English, when transforming a statement into a question, we usually use the auxiliary verb before the subject. The correct structure for a question is to have the auxiliary verb (in this case, "are") before the subject ("you"). Additionally, proper punctuation involves placing the question within quotation marks and using a question mark at the end. So, the correct option is the one that follows these rules, which is option (D).

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6. Identify the incorrect pair


(A) Kidney diseases - urologist

(B) Blood-related diseases-haematologist

(C) Diseases of the stomach-gastroenterologist

 (D) Various types of cancer-oncologist


The incorrect pair in the given options is:

(A) Kidney diseases - urologist


· (A) Kidney diseases - Urologist: Urologists primarily focus on the urinary tract system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. While they do deal with kidney-related issues, kidney diseases are more often addressed by nephrologists. Nephrologists specialize specifically in kidney diseases and disorders. Therefore, the pair in option (A) is incorrect.

Let's briefly look at the other options to confirm:

· (B) Blood-related diseases - Haematologist: Haematologists specialize in the study and treatment of blood disorders. This pair is correct.

· (C) Diseases of the stomach - Gastroenterologist: Gastroenterologists specialize in diseases of the digestive system, which includes the stomach. This pair is correct.

· (D) Various types of cancer - Oncologist: Oncologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. This pair is correct.

In conclusion, the incorrect pair is (A) Kidney diseases - Urologist.




7. Select the idiom that best replaces the words in Italios in the following sentence-You should review your options carefully before you make a decizion.


(A) make hay while the sun shines

 (B) sit on the fence

(C) look before you leap

 (D) kill the golden goose



The correct idiom that best replaces the words in italics in the given sentence is:

(C) look before you leap.

The original sentence is advising someone to review their options carefully before making a decision. The idiom "look before you leap" means to consider the possible consequences or risks before taking action, which aligns with the advice in the sentence.



8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate group of words.


He has ………………..  meticulous in ……………… the project ………………. rise to …………………irregularities.



 (A) not being; overseen; given; much

(B) not: oversaw; give; more

(C) not been; overseeing: giving: many

(D) not be; oversee; gave: much


The correct answer is (C): not been; overseeing; giving; many.

Here's the explanation:

· Verb tense: Since the statement speaks about past events, the present perfect tense with "has" is required. Therefore, "not been" instead of "not being" or "not be" is correct.

· Verb form: The participle form is suitable for both actions and states within the same sentence. Hence, "overseeing" and "giving" are appropriate complements to "has been."

· Adjective: "Much" refers to quantity, while "many" refers to number. In this context, "many" implies numerous irregularities, making it the better choice.

Therefore, with the combination of verb tense, verb form, and adjective, "not been; overseeing; giving; many" provides the most grammatically correct and meaningful sentence.

Here's the complete sentence for clarity:

"He has not been meticulous in overseeing the project, giving rise to many irregularities."

This sentence implies that his lack of meticulousness in supervising the project led to multiple issues.


9. Select the correct proverb to fill in the blank in the following sentence

It is best not to delay since …………….


 (A) beggars can't be choosers


(B) a stitch in time saves nine


(C) a bad workman blames his tools


(D) all's fair in love and war



The correct proverb to fill the blank is:

(B) a stitch in time saves nine

Here's why:

· It is best not to delay since _____. This sentence implies the importance of immediate action and the consequences of waiting.

· a stitch in time saves nine emphasizes the benefits of fixing something promptly to avoid larger problems later. It aligns with the idea of not delaying.

· beggars can't be choosers refers to accepting what you can get, not necessarily relevant to taking timely action.

· a bad workman blames his tools focuses on blaming external factors, not inaction.

· all's fair in love and war connotes a looser moral code for certain situations, not directly related to the value of prompt action.

Therefore, (B) "a stitch in time saves nine" best suits the context of the sentence, advocating for action rather than delay.


10. Read the following sentences and then select the correct option.


(i) One should not interfere in the personal affairs of others.


(ii) The personal in that company are dissatisfied with their salaries.


(A) Only Sentence (i) is correct.

(B) Only Sentence (ii) is correct.

(C) Sentences (i) and (ii) are both correct.

(D) Sentences (i) and (ii) are both incorrect.


The correct option is (A) Only Sentence (i) is correct.

Here's why:

· Sentence (i) is a general observation about respecting people's privacy and avoiding their personal matters. It's grammatically correct and conveys a valid moral principle.

· Sentence (ii), however, has a grammatical error. It uses "the personal" as a noun to refer to the company's employees. This is incorrect because "personal" is an adjective and requires a following noun, like "the personal affairs" or "the personal lives." Additionally, the statement about employees' dissatisfaction could be based on hearsay or incomplete information, making it potentially inaccurate.

Therefore, while sentence (i) provides a valid statement, sentence (ii) contains a grammatical error and potentially questionable information. So, only sentence (i) qualifies as correct.



11. Choose the word that can correctly replace both the italicized words in the following sentences.

Sentence (i) I appreciate his exuberant nature.

Sentence (ii) - Everyone at the party was in a festive mood.


(A) excitable


(B) exorbitant


(C) exciting


(D) ebullient





The most suitable word to replace both "exuberant" in sentence (i) and the missing word in sentence (ii) is:

(D) ebullient

Here's why:

· Exuberant: This word means full of energy, enthusiasm, and liveliness. It describes someone who displays outward expression of their joy and excitement.

· Ebullient: This word also signifies an overflowing or bubbling over of enthusiasm or excitement. It's very close in meaning to exuberant but carries a slightly stronger sense of outward expression and bubbly energy.

In both sentences:

· The context requires a positive connotation, eliminating options like "excitable" (uncontrolled excitement) and "exorbitant" (excessively high).

· "Exciting" wouldn't fit seamlessly in sentence (i) as it describes the external cause of excitement, not the person's own nature.

· "Ebullient" fits both sentences well:

o In sentence (i), it accurately reflects the speaker's appreciation for someone's energetic and joyful personality.

o In sentence (ii), it implies a lively and joyous atmosphere at the party, where everyone is full of positive energy.

Therefore, "ebullient" is the most appropriate word to replace both "exuberant" and the missing word in sentence (ii), maintaining the positive and energetic connotations required in both contexts.



12. Identify the mood in the following sentence


-I would surely go there if I could.


 (A) Indicative mood

(B) Interrogative mood

(C) Subjunctive mood

(D) Imperative mood



The correct mood in the sentence "I would surely go there if I could" is:

(C) Subjunctive mood

Here's why:

· Indicative mood: This mood is used for factual statements or questions. The sentence doesn't state a fact or ask a question about a current, ongoing, or imminent situation.

· Interrogative mood: This mood is used for direct questions seeking information. The sentence is not a direct question.

· Imperative mood: This mood is used for commands or requests. The sentence doesn't convey a command or request.

· Subjunctive mood: This mood is used for hypothetical situations, wishes, or contrary-to-fact statements. The sentence expresses a hypothetical desire to go somewhere, making it fit the subjunctive mood perfectly.

The conditional clause "if I could" further reinforces the subjunctive mood by indicating a condition that is not currently true, making the speaker's desired action impossible at the moment.

Therefore, based on the hypothetical state and unfulfilled desire expressed in the sentence, the subjunctive mood is the most accurate description of its grammatical structure and meaning.



13. Choose the option that correctly changes the following sentence into indirect speech - He


said, "I will go there tomorrow."


 (A) He said that I will go there tomorrow.

(B) He told that he shall go there tomorrow.

(C) He said that he will go there after Today.

 (D) He said that he would go there the next day.


The correct option to change the sentence into indirect speech is:

(D) He said that he would go there the next day.

Here's why:

· Pronoun change: In indirect speech, pronouns like "I" and "tomorrow" referring to the speaker change to reflect the third person perspective. Therefore, "I" becomes "he" and "tomorrow" becomes "the next day."

· Verb tense change: Since the reported statement ("I will go there tomorrow") refers to a future event from the speaker's perspective at the time of speaking, it changes to the future conditional tense in indirect speech ("would go").

· Other options:

o (A) is incorrect because it retains the first-person pronoun "I," which should be "he" in indirect speech.

o (B) is incorrect because it uses the less common future auxiliary "shall" instead of the more likely "would" in indirect speech.

o (C) is partially correct but unnecessary. While "after today" could mean "the next day," it adds specificity that wasn't present in the original sentence.

Therefore, "(D) He said that he would go there the next day" accurately retains the meaning of the original sentence while following the rules of indirect speech.


14. Who is a 'psephologist'?


(A) Someone who specializes in statistical studies of voting patterns in elections.


(B) Someone who specializes in a certain branch of neuropsychology.


(C) Someone who specializes in a certain branch of astrophysics.


 (D) Someone who practises Freudian psychoanalysis.


The correct answer is:

(A) Someone who specializes in statistical studies of voting patterns in elections.

Here's why:

· Psephology is the study of elections and voting behavior using quantitative methods and statistical analysis.

· Neuropsychology deals with the relationship between the brain and behavior, while astrophysics focuses on physical properties and processes of celestial objects.

· Freudian psychoanalysis is a specific approach to psychology developed by Sigmund Freud, focusing on unconscious desires and motivations.

Therefore, only option (A) accurately describes a psephologist's area of expertise.




15. Pick out the word that is not similar to the others.


(A) Pond


(B) Water body


(C) Lake


(D) Stream



The word that is not similar to the others is:

(B) Water body

Here's why:

· Pond, lake, and stream are all specific types of natural bodies of water. They have distinct characteristics like size, flow, and depth.

· Water body, on the other hand, is a broader term encompassing any collection of water, including oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes, and even puddles. It doesn't specify any particular size, flow, or depth.

Therefore, while all the other options refer to specific types of water formations, "water body" is a more general term encompassing them all. It doesn't share the same level of specificity with the other choices.


16. What kind of a person is a 'Clairvoyant'?


(A) An astrologer


(B) An astronomer


(C) An astrophysicist


(D) An astronaut


The correct answer is:

(D) A clairvoyant

Here's why:

· Clairvoyant: This term refers to someone who claims to have the ability to perceive things beyond the normal range of the senses, such as seeing the future, past events, or distant locations. They are traditionally associated with psychic or paranormal abilities.

· Astrologer: This term refers to someone who studies the position of celestial objects and attempts to predict their influence on human affairs.

· Astronomer: This term refers to a scientist who studies celestial objects and their properties.

· Astrophysicist: This term refers to a scientist who studies the physical properties and processes of celestial objects.

· Astronaut: This term refers to a person who travels in space, typically onboard a spacecraft.

Based on these definitions, it becomes clear that only "clairvoyant" describes a person based on their alleged perception of things beyond the physical world, while the other options all pertain to specialized scientific fields studying celestial objects or exploring space directly.

Therefore, while the other options might have some tangential connections to the realm of the unknown, only "clairvoyant" directly refers to the specific kind of person described in the question.



17. Correctly change the following sentence to the active voice, using the appropriate punctuation

My daughter expressed her preference for History over English.


(A) My daughter says 'I prefer History over English.


(B) My daughter said, "I prefer History over English."


 (C) My daughter tells - 'I prefer History over English."


(D) My daughter told, "I prefer History over English."


18. Which of the following is an auxiliary verb?


(A) Look


(B) Can


(C) Take


(D) Do


The auxiliary verb in this set is:

(B) Can

Here's why:

· An auxiliary verb helps form the tense, voice, or mood of a main verb.

· Look, Take, and Do are all main verbs. They can express actions on their own.

· Can acts as a modal auxiliary verb. It expresses ability, possibility, or permission. It cannot function as a complete verb on its own and needs another verb to follow it. For example, "I can jump," "They can't come," or "You can have this."

Therefore, only "Can" fulfills the definition of an auxiliary verb in this context.



19. Of which of the phrases below is the term 'blog' an abbreviation?


(A) web log


(B) web blog


(C) web blogger


 (D) web blogging


The correct answer is:

(A) web log

Here's why:

· "Blog" is actually an abbreviation of "web log." The term originated from "weblog," which referred to a website containing a diary-like record of links and personal commentary. Over time, "weblog" shortened to "blog" for convenience and became the commonly used term.

· "Web blog" is redundant, as "blog" itself already implies being on the web.

· "Web blogger" refers to the person who writes a blog, not the blog itself.

· "Web blogging" describes the act of writing a blog, not the platform or content.

Therefore, only option (A) accurately identifies "web log" as the original phrase abbreviated to "blog."



20. Select the word that best replaces the italicized word in both of the following sentences.

(i) The police are trying to control the crowd.

 (ii) Junk food may have high levels of harmful chemicals.


(A) check


(C) contain


(B) blame


(D) incorporate


The best word to replace the italicized word in both sentences is:

(C) contain

Here's why:

· In sentence (i), "control" implies keeping the crowd in check or managing their behavior. "Contain" can also be used in this context, meaning to keep something within limits or prevent it from spreading.

· In sentence (ii), "may have high levels of harmful chemicals" expresses the possibility of junk food possessing these unhealthy substances. "Contain" again fits well, signifying the presence of these chemicals within the food.

The other options:

· Check: This can work in certain contexts for controlling a crowd, but it doesn't convey the presence of harmful chemicals in junk food.

· Blame: This doesn't fit in either sentence. Blaming isn't relevant to controlling a crowd or the presence of chemicals in food.

· Incorporate: This implies integrating or including something, which doesn't directly translate to controlling a crowd or containing harmful chemicals.

Therefore, "contain" provides the most appropriate and consistent meaning for both sentences, making it the best choice for replacement.




21. Fill in the blanks with the correct set of words.


She was not interested ………………….taking French, but decided ……………….. opt …………………….German instead


(A) in; up; to; for


(B) to; on; in; with


(C) on; to; for; on


(D) for; to; in; to


The correct answer is:

(A) in; up; to; for

Here's why:

· "Not interested in" is the correct way to express lack of interest in something.

· "Up to" means "decide to do something" or "choose to do something."

· "Opt for" means "choose one thing instead of another."

· "For" indicates the alternative she chose, German.

Therefore, (A) fulfills all the grammatical and semantic requirements to complete the sentence correctly.

The other options don't work for the following reasons:

· (B): "To" is unnecessary after "not interested." "On" and "with" don't fit in this context.

· (C): "On" and "to" are not appropriate words in this context.

· (D): "For" is repeated, making it grammatically incorrect.



22. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words.

We need to ……………………. this matter ………………………………..thoroughly.


(A) look into; more

 (B) look in; most

(C) look up: much

 (D) look for: may be


The most appropriate filling for the blanks is:

(A) look into; thoroughly

Here's why:

· Look into: This phrase means to investigate or examine something closely. It's the most fitting verb phrase for expressing the need to delve deeper into a matter.

· Thoroughly: This adverb emphasizes the need for a complete and detailed examination. It complements the verb "look into" effectively.

The other options don't work as well for the following reasons:

· (B): "Look in" suggests searching for something in a specific location, not a general investigation. "Most" wouldn't fit grammatically as an adverb modifying "look in."

· (C): "Look up" implies searching for information in a reference source, not conducting a proper investigation. "Much" is less fitting than "thoroughly" in this context.

· (D): "Look for" implies searching for something specific, not necessarily investigating a matter. "May be" creates uncertainty and weakens the sense of urgency.

Therefore, opting for "look into; thoroughly" provides the most accurate and grammatically correct way to express the need for a thorough and detailed investigation of the matter.




23. Select the word that best replaces both the italicized words in the sentences given below:


Sentence (i) The management did not find him suitable for the job.


Sentence (ii) He was not able to arrange all his belongings into one suitcase.



(A) good


(B) apt


(C) fit


(D) cram



The best word to replace both italicized words depends on the specific nuance you want to convey in each sentence. Here's an analysis of each option:

(A) good: This is a general term for positive qualities, but it doesn't necessarily specify suitability or ability. It wouldn't fit well in either sentence.

(B) apt: This word emphasizes an inherent suitability or natural inclination for something. It works well in sentence (i) to suggest that the management didn't see him as a natural fit for the job. However, it's less suitable for sentence (ii) as it doesn't directly relate to packing skills.

(C) fit: This word means appropriate or suitable for a specific purpose or situation. It works well in both sentences. In sentence (i), it conveys the idea that the management didn't consider him qualified for the job requirements. In sentence (ii), it suggests that the suitcase wasn't big enough or suitable for holding all his belongings.

(D) cram: This word means to pack something tightly or forcefully. It wouldn't fit well in sentence (i) as it doesn't relate to job suitability. However, it could be a suitable option for sentence (ii) if you want to emphasize the difficulty of fitting all his belongings into one suitcase.

Therefore, the best choice depends on the specific emphasis you want:

· If you want to focus on his unsuitability for the job and general lack of fit, choose (C) fit.

· If you want to emphasize his lack of natural inclination for the job, choose (B) apt for sentence (i) and (C) fit for sentence (ii).

· If you want to focus on the difficulty of packing in sentence (ii), choose (D) cram.

Ultimately, the best word choice depends on the specific message you want to convey in each sentence.




24. Choose the word which is the anonym of "Chide'.


(A) Scold


(B) Chastise


(C) Praise


(D) Arraign


The antonym of "chide" is not (C) Praise. While all the other options share some overlap in meaning with "chide," the closest antonym would be:

(A) Scold

Here's why:

· Chide: means to criticize mildly or gently, often with disappointment or disapproval.

· Scold: means to criticize someone angrily or harshly, often for bad behavior.

Both words involve criticizing someone, but "scold" carries a stronger and more negative connotation compared to "chide". Thus, "scold" best portrays the opposite of "chide" in terms of intensity and tone.

While the other options have some semantic overlap:

· Chastise: is similar to "scold" but implies formal punishment or reprimand.

· Arraign: means to formally accuse someone in a court of law, which is too severe a meaning compared to "chide."

Therefore, "scold" is the most appropriate antonym for "chide" due to its similar focus on criticizing someone but with a less intense and formal tone.




25. Choose the word which is synonymous with 'Adjunct'.


(A) Admonish

 (B) Additional

 (C) Amorphous

 (D) Ambiguos


Out of the provided options, the closest synonym for "Adjunct" is:

(B) Additional

Here's why:

· Adjunct: Primarily means something added to something else in a non-essential but supplementary way. It can also refer to someone who holds a subordinate position in an organization.

· Additional: This word directly means added or supplementary, perfectly capturing the core meaning of "adjunct" when referring to something added.

While the other options might be related to "adjunct" in certain contexts, they are not direct synonyms:

· Admonish: Means to warn or reprove someone, not related to the idea of being added or supplementary.

· Amorphous: Means shapeless or vague, not related to being additional or supplementary.

· Ambiguous: Means open to more than one interpretation, not related to being additional or supplementary.

Therefore, based on the core meaning of "adjunct" as something added or supplementary, "additional" stands out as the closest synonym in the given options.


26. Which of the following pairs comprises of the smallest and the largest endocrine glands of human respectively?


(A) Pituitary-thyroid


(B) Thyroid-pituitary


(C) Pineal body-ovary


(D) Pineal body-thyroid



The correct pair of the smallest and largest endocrine glands of a human is:

(D) Pineal body-thyroid

Here's why:

· Pineal body: This gland, located in the brain, is incredibly small, weighing about 0.15 grams and considered the smallest endocrine gland in the human body.

· Thyroid gland: Situated in the neck, the thyroid gland is the largest endocrine gland, weighing around 20-30 grams and responsible for regulating metabolism and body temperature.

Therefore, option (D) correctly identifies the pineal body as the smallest and the thyroid as the largest endocrine gland, making it the most accurate choice.

The other options:

· (A) Pituitary-thyroid: While the pituitary gland is smaller than the thyroid, it's not the smallest. Pineal body holds that title.

· (B) Thyroid-pituitary: This reverses the size comparison, making it incorrect.

· (C) Pineal body-ovary: Ovaries are larger than both the pituitary and pineal gland, rendering this option inaccurate.

So, remembering the tiny pineal body nestled in the brain and the substantial thyroid in the neck helps you quickly discern the correct choice.




27. Name the first newspaper in India.


(A) Parthenon


(B) Digdarshan


(C) Bengal Gazette / Hicky's Gazette /Hicky's Bengal Gazette


(D) Samachar Darpan



The correct answer is:

(C) Bengal Gazette / Hicky's Gazette /Hicky's Bengal Gazette

These are all different names for the same newspaper, the first printed newspaper published in India. It was founded by James Augustus Hicky on January 29, 1780, and initially called the "Bengal Gazette" or "Calcutta General Advertiser." "Hicky's Gazette" became its popular nickname due to its founder's name.

Therefore, while all the other options might be significant historical publications, only the Bengal Gazette / Hicky's Gazette /Hicky's Bengal Gazette holds the distinction of being the first newspaper in India.



28. The efficiency of a Carnot engine working between 227°C and 27°C is


(A) 100%


(B) 50%


(C) 40%


(D) 20%


The efficiency of a Carnot engine working between 227°C and 27°C is 39.99%. So the answer is (C).







29. Which one of the following is not a feature of Indian federation?



(A) There is an independent judiciary in India.

(B) Powers have been clearly divided between centre and states.

(C) The federating units have been given unequal representation in the Rajya Sabha.

(D) It is the result of an agreement among the federating units.



The correct answer is:

(C) The federating units have been given unequal representation in the Rajya Sabha.

Here's why:

· (A) Independent judiciary: This is indeed a feature of the Indian federation. The Indian judiciary operates independently of the executive and legislature, upholding the rule of law.

· (B) Division of powers: The Indian Constitution clearly divides powers between the central government and the state governments, creating a federal structure.

· (D) Result of an agreement: While there were historical agreements and negotiations during the drafting of the constitution, the final document is not considered a formal compact between states. Instead, it acts as the supreme law of the land, adopted by the people through a constituent assembly.

· (C) Unequal representation: This statement is incorrect. While the number of Rajya Sabha seats allocated to each state is not based solely on population (giving smaller states slightly more weight), it's not entirely unequal either. The allocation formula considers factors like territory, population, and revenue, aiming for a balance between representation and federal principles.

Therefore, only option (C) contradicts the features of the Indian federation by incorrectly claiming unequal representation in the Rajya Sabha. The other options accurately describe features that contribute to the country's federal structure.


30. Which Asian country is the host of 2023 IBA Women's World Boxing Championship?


(A) Sri Lanka


(B) India


(C) Nepal


(D) Thailand


The correct answer is:

(B) India

The 2023 IBA Women's World Boxing Championship was held in New Delhi, India, from March 15 to 26, 2023.

So, while the event is no longer current, now you know which Asian country had the honor of hosting it!




31. Who started Faraizi movement in Bengal?


(A) Titumir


(B) Kunwar Singh


(C) Digambar Biswas


(D) Haji Shariyatullah



The correct answer is (D) Haji Shariyatullah.

Haji Shariyatullah was a Muslim scholar and religious reformer who founded the Faraizi movement in Bengal in 1818. The movement aimed to revive Islamic practices and teachings among the Muslim community in Bengal, and it also had a social and political dimension. The Faraizis opposed the zamindari system and indigo cultivation, and they often clashed with the British authorities.

Titumir was a peasant leader who led a rebellion against the zamindari system in Bengal in the early 19th century. Kunwar Singh was a Rajput freedom fighter who fought against the British in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Digambar Biswas was a Bengali revolutionary who was involved in the Indian independence movement.

Therefore, the only option that correctly identifies the founder of the Faraizi movement is (D).




32. The British Committee of the Indian National Congress was started in 1889 under the


chairmanship of:


 (A) Dadabhai Naoroji


(B) A. O. Hume


(C) W. Digby


(D) W. Wedderburn



The correct answer is:

(D) W. Wedderburn

While Dadabhai Naoroji, A.O. Hume, and W. Digby were all prominent figures in the Indian National Congress and its efforts in Britain, it was William Wedderburn who served as the first chairman of the British Committee of the Indian National Congress established in 1889. He held the position until his death in 1918, playing a crucial role in raising awareness and garnering support for the Indian cause in Britain.

Therefore, while the other options represent important figures in the Indian independence movement, only W. Wedderburn held the specific position of chairman of the British Committee of the Indian National Congress in 1889.


33. What is the aim of the 'Jan Vishwas Bill' which was recently tabled in Lok Sabha?


(A) Anti-terrorism


(B) Ease of doing business


(C) Eradication of malnutrition


(D) Police Reforms


The correct answer is:

(B) Ease of doing business

The Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Bill, 2022, aimed to decriminalize and rationalize minor offences across various laws to promote ease of doing business and simplify living for citizens. It wasn't primarily focused on anti-terrorism, malnutrition eradication, or police reforms.

Here's a breakdown of why the other options are incorrect:

· (A) Anti-terrorism: While the bill indirectly reduced compliance burdens on businesses, its primary objective wasn't specifically related to anti-terrorism measures.

· (C) Eradication of malnutrition: This issue wasn't addressed by the Jan Vishwas Bill, which focused on legal and regulatory matters instead of social welfare programs.

· (D) Police Reforms: The bill didn't directly deal with police reforms, although it might have had certain indirect implications for enforcement procedures.

Therefore, based on its core objectives, ease of doing business stands out as the main aim of the Jan Vishwas Bill, making it the most accurate answer.



34. A stood 10th in the class, while B ranked 38 from the bottom. B's result is better than A and there are 2 students between A and B. Total number of students are


(A) 40


(B) 41


(C) 42


(D) 44


Here's how to solve this problem:

1. B's position from the top: Since B is 38 from the bottom and there are 2 students between A and B, B's position from the top would be 40 (total) - 2 (between A and B) - 38 (from the bottom) = 0. This means B is at the top of the class.

2. Inconsistency: However, this contradicts the information that A comes before B (10th position). Therefore, the problem statement contains an inconsistency that makes it impossible to determine the actual number of students with the given information.

For a valid solution, the information about B's ranking should be adjusted to be consistent with A's position. For example, it could be:

· B ranked 8th from the bottom, making them 32nd from the top and still ahead of A while maintaining a reasonable number of students.

· B ranked 7th from the bottom, making them 33rd from the top and requiring a minimum of 40 students for the solution to work.




35. In India the centre for Coffee Research is


(A) Munnar


(B) Kurnool


(C) Chikmagalure


(D) Mysuru


The correct answer for the Centre for Coffee Research in India is:

(C) Chikmagalure

The Central Coffee Research Institute (CCRI) is located in Balehonnur, Chikmagalure district, Karnataka. It is not located in Munnar, Kurnool, or Mysuru, although these places are also important coffee-growing regions in India. The CCRI serves as the premier research and development institution for the Indian coffee industry, focusing on various aspects like plant breeding, agronomy, soil science, and post-harvest technology.

So, remember, Chikmagalure is the home of the prestigious Central Coffee Research Institute in India.





36. The Vaikkom Satyagraha was launched in 1924 for


(A) opening the temples to the low castes Hindus.


(B) fighting against the exploitation by the landlords.


(C) removal of Press restrictions.


(D) democratization of the administration of Travancore state.


The correct answer is:

(A) opening the temples to the low castes Hindus.

The Vaikom Satyagraha was a non-violent civil disobedience movement launched in 1924 by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress to protest the denial of entry to low-caste Hindus through the roads leading to the Vaikom Temple in Travancore, Kerala. The movement aimed to end the practice of untouchability and secure temple entry rights for all Hindus regardless of caste.

While the other options might have been relevant to other historical events or struggles, they are not directly related to the specific aims of the Vaikom Satyagraha. Here's a breakdown:

· (B) Fighting against the exploitation by the landlords: This was a separate struggle fought by peasants in several parts of India, including Travancore, but it wasn't the primary focus of the Vaikom Satyagraha.

· (C) Removal of Press restrictions: This was also a significant issue during the British Raj, but it wasn't directly addressed by the Vaikom Satyagraha.

· (D) Democratization of the administration of Travancore state: While the movement had broader implications for social justice and equality, the immediate and specific objective was to secure temple entry rights for all Hindus.

Therefore, considering the historical context and specific goals of the Vaikom Satyagraha, opening temples to low-caste Hindus stands out as the most accurate answe




37. The first cotton textile mill, in India was set up in


(A) 1820


(B) 1812


(C) 1840


(D) 1818



The correct answer is:

(D) 1818

The first cotton textile mill in India was established at Fort Gloster near Kolkata in 1818. While it wasn't commercially successful, it marked the beginning of the country's modern textile industry, which later flourished in places like Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

Therefore, remember 1818 as the year when the wheels of industrial textile production started turning in India.



38. Which of the following acted as President of the Indian National Congress for six consecutive




(A) Jawaharlal Nehru


(B) Dadabhai Naoroji


(C) Abul Kalam Azad


(D) Gopal Krishna Gokhale


The correct answer is:

(C) Abul Kalam Azad

Abul Kalam Azad served as President of the Indian National Congress for six consecutive years, from 1940 to 1946. He played a crucial role in leading the independence movement during this critical period, known as the "Quit India Movement."

While the other options were prominent figures in the Indian National Congress:

· Jawaharlal Nehru was the President of the Congress on multiple occasions but not for six consecutive years.

· Dadabhai Naoroji and Gopal Krishna Gokhale served as President for shorter terms.

Therefore, based on the specific requirement of six consecutive years, Abul Kalam Azad stands out as the only president who fulfilled this condition.




39. The ion of an element has three positive change. Mass number of the atom is 27, and the number of neutrons is 14. What is the number of electrons in the ion?


(A) 13


(B) 10


(C) 14


(D) 16


The correct answer is (B) 10.

Here's how we arrive at the answer:

1. Mass number: The mass number (27) represents the total number of protons and neutrons in the atom. So, protons + neutrons = 27.

2. Number of neutrons: We are given that the number of neutrons is 14.

3. Number of protons: Knowing the number of neutrons, we can find the number of protons by subtracting them from the mass number: protons = mass number - neutrons = 27 - 14 = 13.

4. Positive charge: The question states that the ion has three positive charges. In an atom, the number of protons and electrons balances, resulting in a neutral charge. However, when an atom loses electrons, it gains a positive charge. Therefore, the loss of three electrons results in the three positive charges in the ion.

5. Number of electrons in the ion: To find the number of electrons in the ion, we simply subtract the number of lost electrons from the original number of electrons in the neutral atom: electrons in the ion = electrons in the atom - lost electrons = 13 (protons) - 3 (lost) = 10.

Therefore, the ion has 10 electrons, making option (B) the correct answer.




40. Which state among the 'Sixteen Mahajanapadas was successful ultimately in


founding an empire?


(A) Koshala


(B) Kashi


(C) Magadha


 (D) Panchala


Out of the Sixteen Mahajanapadas, the one that ultimately succeeded in founding an empire was:

(C) Magadha

Here's why:

· Magadha's strategic location: Situated in the fertile Gangetic plains with access to iron ore and trade routes, Magadha had a strategic advantage over other Mahajanapadas.

· Strong leadership: Magadha witnessed a series of capable rulers like Bimbisara, Ajatashatru, and Ashoka who expanded the kingdom through conquest and alliances.

· Efficient administration: Magadha adopted efficient administrative systems, including a strong army, centralized bureaucracy, and effective taxation, contributing to its stability and growth.

· Cultural influence: Magadha became a center of cultural and religious significance, further solidifying its power and influence.

While other Mahajanapadas like Koshala, Kashi, and Panchala were also prominent, they eventually succumbed to Magadha's growing power or remained confined to smaller regions.

Therefore, considering its geographic advantage, strong leadership, efficient administration, and cultural influence, Magadha stands out as the Mahajanapada that ultimately succeeded in founding an empire, making it the most accurate answer.



41. The youngest President of the Indian National Congress, who held that office at the age of 35, was


(A) Rash Bihari Ghosh


(B) Subhas Chandra Bose


(C) Abul Kalam Azad


(D) Lala Lajpat Rai




Out of the provided options, the youngest President of the Indian National Congress at the age of 35 was:

(C) Abul Kalam Azad

Here's why:

· Rash Bihari Ghosh: He became president in 1928 at the age of 55.

· Subhas Chandra Bose: He was elected president in 1938 at the age of 43.

· Lala Lajpat Rai: He served as president in 1920 at the age of 53.

· Abul Kalam Azad: He was elected president in 1923 at the age of 35, making him the youngest amongst the options.

Therefore, based on the specific criterion of being the youngest president at 35 years old, Abul Kalam Azad stands out as the correct answer.




42. The historical importance of the second session of the INC held in Calcutta in 1886 was



(A) There was merger between the INC and the National Conference.


(B) It was presided over by Dadabhai Naoroji.


(C) The great scholar Rajendralal Mitra was the President of its local Reception




(D) All of the above


Out of the provided options, the most accurate description of the historical importance of the second session of the INC held in Calcutta in 1886 is:

(D) All of the above.

Here's why:

· Merger of INC and National Conference: The Bengal National Conference, a regional political organization, merged with the Indian National Congress during this session, solidifying the Congress' presence in Bengal and expanding its national reach.

· Dadabhai Naoroji as President: Renowned scholar and political leader Dadabhai Naoroji presided over the session, lending it prestige and attracting wider attention.

· Rajendralal Mitra as Reception Committee President: The renowned philologist and intellectual Rajendralal Mitra serving as the President of the local Reception Committee added further cultural and academic significance to the event.

Therefore, all three factors contributed to the historical importance of the second INC session in Calcutta, making option (D) the most appropriate choice.




43. Which amendment of Indian Constitution is related to the Anti-defection law?


(A) 51st amendment


(B) 52nd amendment


(C) 53rd amendment


(D) 54th amendment



The amendment of the Indian Constitution related to the Anti-defection Law is:

(B) 52nd amendment

The 52nd amendment, passed in 1985, introduced the Tenth Schedule to the Constitution which establishes the framework for the Anti-defection Law. This Law aims to prevent elected members of Parliament and state legislatures from switching political parties after their election, thereby discouraging political instability and ensuring responsible governance.

While other amendments might have impacted certain aspects of party politics, only the 52nd amendment directly establishes and defines the Anti-defection Law as a constitutional mechanism.

So, remember 52nd amendment as the key to the Anti-defection Law in India.



44. Which Mughal emperor was known as Alamgir 1?


(A) Akbar


(B) Jahangir


(C) Aurangzeb


(D) Bahadur Shah II


The Mughal emperor known as Alamgir I was indeed (C) Aurangzeb. He adopted the title Alamgir, meaning "world conqueror," later in his reign. Both Akbar, Jahangir, and Bahadur Shah II used different titles during their rule.

Here's a quick clarification of the titles used by each emperor:

· Akbar: Was known as Jalal-ud-din Muhammad Akbar.

· Jahangir: Was known as Nur-ud-din Salim Jahangir.

· Aurangzeb: Initially had the title Muhi-ud-din Muhammad Aurangzeb and later adopted the title Alamgir.

· Bahadur Shah II: Held the title Zafar Jung Bahadur Shah II.

Therefore, only Aurangzeb's title during his later reign matches the description of Alamgir I, making him the correct answer.


45. The leader of the Ghadar party in Bengal and Orissa was


(A) Jatindranath Mukherjee

(B) Jatindranath Das

(C) Barindra Ghosh

(D) Bahadur Shah II


The statement needs correction as the Ghadar Party itself wasn't primarily active in Bengal and Orissa. Its main base was in North America among Indian immigrants. However, its ideology inspired individuals and movements across India, including Bengal and Orissa.

Hence, focusing solely on Bengal and Orissa for Ghadar Party leadership can be misleading.

Instead, it's crucial to consider broader Ghadar Party figures with connections to those regions. With that in mind, here's an analysis of your options:

· (A) Jatindranath Mukherjee: While a prominent revolutionary leader in Bengal, he wasn't directly associated with the Ghadar Party.

· (B) Jatindranath Das: Similar to Mukherjee, he was a key figure in Bengali revolutionary circles but lacked direct affiliation with the Ghadar Party.

· (C) Barindra Ghosh: Though a revolutionary from Bengal and associated with Jugantar group, he didn't have a leadership role within the Ghadar Party.

· (D) Bahadur Shah II: This Mughal emperor predates the Ghadar Party's formation by over a century and holds no relevance to it.

Therefore, none of the provided options directly represent the leader of the Ghadar Party in Bengal and Orissa.



46. Who was instrumental in founding the National Planning Committee (the forerunner of the Planning Commission) in 1938, for drawing up a plan of economic development on the basis of industrialization?


(A) Subhas Chandra Bose


(B) Jawaharlal Nehru


(C) Mahatma Gandhi


(D) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad



While all of the mentioned figures were prominent figures in India's freedom struggle and independence movement, only one played a decisive role in founding the National Planning Committee in 1938:

(A) Subhas Chandra Bose

Here's why:

· Initiator: In 1938, as the President of the Indian National Congress, Subhas Chandra Bose realized the need for a national economic plan focusing on industrialization. He actively pushed for the creation of the National Planning Committee.

· Chairman: Despite facing resistance from some within the Congress, Bose successfully established the committee and became its first chairman.

· Vision: Under his leadership, the committee drafted a plan advocating for heavy industrialization and state intervention in the economy, later becoming the foundation for India's first Five-Year Plans.

While Jawaharlal Nehru later became a staunch advocate for economic planning and played a crucial role in the evolution of the Planning Commission, Bose's instrumental role in 1938 makes him the most accurate answer in this specific context.

Mahatma Gandhi and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad had different views on economic development and weren't directly involved in the founding of the National Planning Committee.

Therefore, remembering Subhas Chandra Bose's initiative and leadership in establishing the National Planning Committee makes the answer clear.



47. Who was the last Sultan of Delhi?


(A) Firuz-Tughluq


(B) Bahlul Khan Lodi


(C) Ibrahim Lodi


(D) Sikandar Lodi


The last Sultan of Delhi was (C) Ibrahim Lodi.

He reigned from 1517 to 1526 and belonged to the Lodi dynasty, the fifth and final dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. His defeat at the Battle of Panipat in 1526 by Babur marked the end of the Delhi Sultanate and paved the way for the Mughal Empire.

Let's briefly analyze the other options:

· (A) Firuz-Tughluq: Although a significant ruler, he belonged to the Tughlaq dynasty, which ruled between 1320 and 1414.

· (B) Bahlul Khan Lodi: He was the founder of the Lodi dynasty in 1451, not the last Sultan.

· (D) Sikandar Lodi: He was Ibrahim Lodi's father and ruled from 1489 to 1517.

Therefore, only Ibrahim Lodi fits the specific description of the last Sultan of Delhi. Remember him as the final ruler of the Delhi Sultanate before the Mughal era.



48. Which city is the Headquarter of 'BIMSTEC'?


(A) New Delhi


(B) Colombo


(C) Dhaka


(D) Jakarta



Out of the options, the headquarters of BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation) is:

(C) Dhaka, Bangladesh

While New Delhi might be the capital of India and Jakarta the capital of Indonesia, neither of them currently host the BIMSTEC secretariat. Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, was the initial headquarters of BIMSTEC but it shifted to Dhaka in 2006.

So, remember Dhaka as the current home of the BIMSTEC headquarters.




49. Which of the following factors caused the greatest racial cleavage in India before the foundation of the Indian National Congress?


(A) The Ilbert Bill Controversy

(B) The reductions of age for entry to the Civil Services

(C) The Arms Act of 1878

(D) The Vernacular Press Act


While all the options contributed to racial tensions in India during the British Raj, the factor that arguably caused the greatest racial cleavage before the foundation of the Indian National Congress (1885) was:

(A) The Ilbert Bill Controversy (1883)

Here's why:

· Direct impact on racial hierarchy: The Ilbert Bill proposed allowing Indian judges to try Europeans in lower courts, challenging the established racial privilege of Europeans being tried only by European judges. This directly threatened the British sense of superiority and their legal dominance over Indians.

· Widespread protests and opposition: The bill sparked major protests from the European community, fueled by anxieties about losing control and facing potentially biased judgments. This created a sharp divide between Europeans and Indians, highlighting the entrenched racial discrimination.

· National awakening and political mobilization: The controversy played a key role in unifying Indians across different regions and social classes against the discriminatory practices of the British Raj. This eventually led to the formation of the Indian National Congress, aiming for national unity and challenging colonial injustices.

While other factors like age limits for civil services, the Arms Act, and the Vernacular Press Act also contributed to racial tensions, they didn't directly challenge the core principle of legal inequality inherent in the Ilbert Bill. These issues primarily affected specific groups or areas, whereas the Ilbert Bill controversy had a broader and more immediate impact on racial dynamics.

Therefore, considering the significant role in inciting widespread racial tension, public mobilization, and eventually contributing to the rise of the Indian National Congress, the Ilbert Bill Controversy stands out as the most consequential factor in terms of racial cleavage before the Congress's establishment.



50. "Rectify" is to "Mistake" as "Regain" is to


(A) Make


(B) Find


(C) Realise


 (D) Loss


Out of the given options, the best synonym for "Regain" in the analogy "Rectify" is to "Mistake" as "Regain" is to:

(D) Loss

Here's why:

· "Rectify" and "Mistake" are antonyms. To rectify something is to correct it or fix it, while a mistake is something wrong or incorrect.

· "Regain" and "Loss" also share an antonymic relationship. To regain something is to get it back after it was lost, while a loss is something that is gone or taken away.

Therefore, both pairs share a similar relationship of reversal or getting back to a previous state.

The other options:

· (A) Make: Doesn't fit the antonymic pattern. Making something isn't necessarily related to regaining a loss.

· (B) Find: While one can find something that was lost, it doesn't fully capture the sense of actively "regaining" it.

· (C) Realise: Doesn't have a clear connection to either regaining or loss.

So, remember the key: regaining a loss is similar to rectifying a mistake, both involving reversal or restoration. Therefore, "Loss" stands out as the best answer for the analogy.

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