

IBPS Specialist Officer (Preliminary Exam)
IBPS Clerk (Preliminary Exam)
SBI Probationary Officer (Mains Exam)
IBPS Probationary Officer (Preliminary Exam)
IBPS Probationary Officer (Main Exam)
Reschedule Stage I CBT
East Central RailwayAsst Mechanical Engineer (Group – B)
SSC - Junior Engineer Exam-2023 (Paper-II)
SSC - CGL Exam 2023 (Tier-III)
SSC - Junior Engineer Exam-2023 (Paper-I)
SSC - CGL Exam 2023 (Tier-II)
SSC – CGL 2023 Tier-I Exam
We provide the best classes for government exam coaching and allow the student to have an all-around experience that is needed.
Use of Digital learning tools to simplify Difficult concepts.
Unwavering support till success.
We have a flexible class structure as per the student's convenience.The class test will be conducted regularly as well as entrance exam pattern.We provided relevant study material to our students.Our biggest strength is that we assist you in formulating a personalized strategy based on your strengths and weaknesses which is often ignored by the most student.We conduct our classes in following ways.This includes:
Regular live classes are conducted by our faculty over Skype as they go over numerous concepts and problem-solving tricks
Special doubt-clearing classes are conducted regularly as the student progresses through the course
Mock tests are conducted on a weekly basis to track the progress of the student
A thorough analysis of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on weak points
Pre recorded video lectures by our esteemed faculty are available for those who cannot attend regular classes
Lectures are custom tailored according to the course requirement, adhering strictly to the latest syllabus
Special doubt clearing classes are conducted regularly as the student progresses through the course
Mock tests are conducted on a weekly basis to track progress of the student
A thorough analysis of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on weak points
Offline live classes are held every day at our prestigious study centers, and conducted by our esteemed faculty.
Regular doubt-clearing sessions are conducted
Video backups are provided for students who have missed classes
Weekly mock tests are conducted to track the progress of the students
A complete analysis of the tests is conducted so that the student gets to work on the weak points
Complete Mock Tests ..
You can give the exams from your home using a phone or laptop or pc or a tablet.
After every exam complete solutions with marks will be provided to you.
Any doubts with any part you are free to ask us via what's app/email / call.
All the Mock Tests are Exam oriented .
You can also ask for any special topic or subject or section based specialised tests also --we will provide you that.
Materials will cover all the topics
Special shortcut tricks
Complete model papers with solutions
Special selective questions with complete solutions .
In the recent times, we have seen a large number of students have aimed for the government exams in the Banking.
To work as a manager in the banking industry, the first stepping stone is becoming a Probationary Officer (PO). A PO starts as a trainee officer in the Junior Management Grade Scale (JMGS) of the bank and can rise to the highest levels, becoming a General Manager, an Executive Director, or even the Chairman of the Bank. Various nationalized and Private banks conduct their own PO exams to recruit candidates. In the Banking Sector, the exams are conducted by IBPS, SBI, RBI, & and other Banks.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) is an autonomous body set up to evolve and implement world class processes of assessment and selection of personnel for various client organizations.
Over the years, IBPS has gained the reputation of being a major “Personnel Selection Test Conducting Agency” of the country. Its strength lies in its capability to develop and construct Multiple Choice Objective Tests & tools used for mass-level testing programmes and its ability to conduct these exams simultaneously for lakhs & lakhs of candidates in about 200 cities/towns all over India and also in a few foreign locations.
In Banking, the main exams conducted by IBPS are given below:
IBPS Clerk
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) conducts its examination for the post of Probationary Officer (PO). But this time the exam will be conducted in two levels Tier 1 & 2 (Preliminary & mains). Two-tier exam for recruitment of PO/MT from CWE V onwards. IBPS department decided to take the IBPS PO Online exam in two parts:
1. Preliminary Exam
2. Mains Exam
3. Interviews
More than 15 years of expertise integrated with consistent performance. [Oldest Institution in the city delivering consistent results].
Produced 300+ of IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, and Govt Jobs.
Illustrious alumni who will guide you in reaching your goal. [Regular Seminars + Video Testimonials].
Dedicated Research Team that works tirelessly to delineate the best strategy to Crack Civil Services.
Resources curated by Scholars and India’s Best Academicians.
Core values of authenticity, integrity, and determination.
Officers and India’s Best Professors as your Mentors.
There is no one-size-fits-all approach.
Unwavering Support till Success.
Usage of Digital Learning tools to simplify difficult concepts.
Standard Batch Size to enable one-to-one interaction and doubt clearance.
Robust Management System: Individual attention to student performance.
Exam-centric study environment.
Stepwise Training: Building concepts from Basic to Advanced Levels.
Timebound syllabus coverage.
Regular Doubt clearing sessions.
Blueprint for Answer Writing Strategy.
Structured and Daily Assignments because consistency is the key.
Study Plan to make the aspirant exam ready one month before the examination.
Open Mock Tests at regular intervals. [Online + Offline]. It provides the best online test series for WBCS in Kolkata.
Performance evaluation throughout the year.
Analysis of individual strengths and weaknesses followed by a tailored approach.
Prompt Grievance redressal
Personal Mentor for constant support and consistency.

Age Limit:
The age of the candidate must be between 20 to 30 years (Cutoff date will be updated soon)
Relaxation in the maximum age limit
Category: Age Relaxation
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe: 5 years
Other Backward Classes (Non-Creamy Layer): 3 years
Persons With Disabilities: 10 years
Ex-Servicemen: 5 years
Domicile of Kashmir during the period of
1-1-1980 to 31-12-1989: 5 years
Persons affected by 1984 riots: 5 years

Prelims Exam Pattern
Subjects: No.of Questions: Marks
Quantitative Aptitude. 35 35
Reasoning Ability 35 35
English. 30 30
Total 100 100
Mains Exam Pattern
Subjects: No.of Questions: Marks
Quantitative Aptitude. 50 50
Reasoning Ability 50 50
General Awareness 40 40
Computer Knowledge 20 20
English 40 40
Total 200 200
Candidate must have an Indian Nationality or the person should be a Nepalese or Bhutan or a Tibetan refugee migrated to India before 1 January 1962 to settle permanently in India OR a candidate of Indian origin migrated from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, United Republic Of Tanzania, Zaire, Malawi, Zambia, Ethiopia, Vietnam to settle permanently in India.
Quantitative Aptitude
Reasoning Ability
Verbal reasoning
Non-Verbal Reasoning
General Awareness
Computer Knowledge
Reading Comprehension



Railway Group A Exam Pattern:

Indian Railway Medical Services Exam Pattern:
According to the Railway 2023 Exam Pattern, Indian Railway Medical Services Exam Paper I will come from General Ability, General Medicine, and Paediatrics.
Indian Railway Medical Services Exam will be conducted in two parts: Paper I is of 2 hours and Paper II is of 2 hours
Paper I will come from Surgery, Gynaecology & Obstetrics and Preventive & Social Medicine.
Special Class Railway Apprentice Examination Exam Pattern:
According to Railway Exam Structure, Special Class Railway Apprentice Examination will come from General Ability Test, Physical Science and Mathematics.
Duration of exam is of 2 hours.

Railway Group B Exam Pattern:

The vacancies of Group B posts are fulfill through promotion of Group C employees.
Check RRB Group B Exam Pattern from here.
Various Posts come under Group B are as follows: Section Officers, Junior Engineers and Depot Material Superintendent.
Railway Group C Exam Pattern:
First Stage Exam Pattern:
First of all, applicants have to clear the First Stage Exam. Those who will qualify the exam may appear for Second Stage Exam.
Railway Group C Question Paper will come from Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science and General awareness and Current Affairs.
There will be total 75 questions.

Second Stage Exam Pattern:

First of all, applicants have to clear the First Stage Exam. Those who will qualify the exam may appear for Second Stage Exam.
As per Railway Exam Pattern, question paper will come from Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Science and General awareness and Current Affairs sections.
Railway Group D CBT Exam Pattern:
As per Railway Exam Pattern, exam will be conducted from various sections such as Mathematics, General intelligence and reasoning, General science and General Awareness on current affairs
There will be totals 100 questions of 90 minutes duration as per Railway Exam Pattern.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET):

As per Railway Selection Procedure, Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is the second stage of the examination. After clearing the CBT, the candidates will be shortlisted to take the PET.
There are many Govt Jobs and Competitive exam coaching centers in Kolkata that offer coaching for the Govt exam.
But Sourav Sir's Classes for Civil Services is a well-known coaching center in Kolkata that offers coaching for various civil services exams, including Competitive exams and Govt jobs.
Sourav Sir's Classes offers government jobs coaching in online and classroom training with highly experienced faculty members who have years of experience in teaching and guiding Competitive exams and Govt jobs aspirants.
Simply put, the BANKING / RAILWAYS / SSC entrance exam is a tough exam to crack and with our rigorous training and grooming, it becomes less so.
Here at Sourav Sir's Classes, we fuel the passion of those who dare dream. With our well-documented lecture notes as well as our study material, BANKING / RAILWAYS / SSC, become less formidable, and we have an entire nation of students who can vouch for that!
Our tuition for the BANKING / RAILWAYS / SSC ensures, under the guidance of our prestigious and able faculty, that the aspirant develops the necessary practices and habits for cracking the entrance exams.
We believe that studying here, under the guidance of our faculty, is not just an educational journey that we undertake every year, but we strive to make it an experience for the student as well.
Come taste success with the best BANKING / RAILWAYS / SSC tuitions of the nation!
Indian Railways, one of the largest rail networks in the world recruits a large number of personnel in various cadres. Indian Railways is divided into zones, which are further subdivided into divisions. These zone and divisions have technical and nontechnical departments to which recruitment are done through competitive exams
Staff are classified into gazetted (Group A and B) and non-gazetted (Group C and D) employees. The recruitment of Group A gazetted employees is carried out by the Union Public Service Commission through exams conducted by it. The recruitment of Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employees on the Indian Railways is done through 19 Railway Recruitment Boards which are controlled by the Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB). The training of all cadres is entrusted and shared between six centralized training institutes.
Group A
Recruitment to Group A Service in the various departments of Railways are made through
(a) Competitive Examination held by the Union Public Service Commission. Mainly the exams are as under
* Civil Service Examination for Indian Railway Traffic Services (IRTS) and the Indian Railways Accounts Services (IRAS)
* Combined Engineering Service for Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE), Indian Railway Services of Signal Engineers (IRSSE) and Indian Railway Store Service (IRSS)
(b) Promotion of officers in Group B Service including officiating Group B Railway officers of the service or department;
(c) By appointment of candidates initially recruited as Special Class Apprentices on the results of the examination conducted by U.P.S.C. in accordance with the rules for recruitment to the Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers.
(d) By transfer of an officer in service of the Government provided the recruitment rules include a provision to this effect;
(e) By occasional admission of other qualified persons in consultation with the U.P.S.C
Group B
Group B officers are directly promoted from Group C.
Group C and Group D posts on Indian Railways and other Railway Administration are filled in either of the following ways according to the relevant recruitment rules or other extant orders, if an—
(i) by direct recruitment;
(ii) by promotion;
(iii) by transfer of suitable staff, if necessary, from other Government offices.
Direct recruitment to Railway Services, Group C is made through the Railway Recruitment Board for different Zonal Railways/Production Units.
In all, there are 19 RRBs, that cater to the respective zonal staffing requirements. Based on staff requirements, Employment Notifications are released in Employment News ( A publication of the Government of India) and Indicative advertisements in other News Papers.