If you want to break into a competitive exam for Hotel management, then this SOURAV SIR’S CLASSES is the best for you! Joining the course in SOURAV SIR’S CLASSES can help you gain the finest experience, improve and harness your skills in various domains marketing. At the same time, you get to do it in a competitive context against thousands of participants where each one tries to build the most predictive path. SOURAV SIR’S CLASSES will show you the path to achieve your goal. Pushing your limit can result in better performance and smaller prediction errors. Being able to achieve high ranks consistently SOURAV SIR’S CLASSES can help you accelerate your career in Hotel Management. In this course, you will learn to analyse and solve competitively such predictive modelling tasks. When you finish this class, you will: - Understand how to solve predictive modelling competitions efficiently and learn which of the skills obtained can be applied to real-world tasks. –
SOURAV SIR’S CLASSES taught advanced feature techniques to improve your predictions and crack the exam surely. - Be able to form reliable cross validation methodologies that help you benchmark your Goals. Gain experience in how to analyse the whole process. You will learn the strategies how to overcome the problems and make it happen.
Regular live classes
are conducted by our prestigious faculty over Skype as they go over numerous concepts and problem-solving tricks
Special doubt-clearing classes
are conducted regularly as the student progresses through the course
Mock tests
are conducted on a weekly basis to track the progress of the student
A thorough analysis
of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on weak points
video lectures by our esteemed faculty are available for those who cannot attend regular classes
Lectures are custom tailored
according to the course requirement, adhering strictly to the latest syllabus
Special doubt clearing classes
are conducted regularly as the student progresses through the course
Mock tests
are conducted on a weekly basis to track the progress of the student
A thorough analysis
of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on weak points
Offline live classes
are held every day at our prestigious study centres, conducted by our esteemed faculty.
Regular doubt clearing sessions
are conducted
Video backups
are provided for students who have missed the classes
Weekly mock
tests are conducted to track the progress of the students
A complete analysis
of the tests are conducted so that the student gets to work on the weak points
Hospitality management graduates are highly employable, applying their skills to careers in events, hotel and conference management, sales and business development and forestry and fishing management
Trends Affecting the Future of the Hospitality Industry
- Increasing competition;
- Emphasis on service;
- Customers’ growing value consciousness;
- Changes in marketing and management made possible by technology- Increased responsibility for employees and managers through employment;
- Greater diversity of the workforce;
- Customers’ concerns with security
- Consumers’ and governments’ concern with sanitation
- Globalization
Worldwide examples of entrepreneurs creating small businesses that became big business are: there many H&T jobs working for someone else, there is a lot of H&T opportunity to work for yourself. The H&T industry is full of businesses that serve people and are owned by a single person or family. This means not only are McDonald's, Marriott hotels, Holiday Inn hotels, Albertsons food stores, and Southwest Airlines
The food and beverage industry, also known as the foodservice industry, consists of businesses that prepare food for customers. The number of people employed in foodservice industry is expected to double by 2015 to approximately 22 million people.
Private: An independent hotel owned by a person/partnership/private company;
Local group: Several hotels owned by a local company
International group: A hotel which is part of an international chain of hotels
City centre hotels
Suburban hotels
Airport hotels
Highway hotels/Motels
Convention hotels
Commercial hotels
Resort hotels
Spa hotels
Timeshares/Vacation ownership
Casino hotels
All-suite hotels
Boutique hotels
Extended stay hotels/Serviced Apartments
Historic conversion hotels
Bed and breakfast inns (B&Bs)
NCHMCT All India Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is of three hours duration. Candidates need to report at their respective examination centre at least 60 minutes before the commencement of the examination.The test paper is bilingual, that is, all questions are available in both English and Hindi language, the only exception being the English Language section.
Subject No. of Questions Test Duration
Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude 30
Reasoning and Logical Deduction 30
General Knowledge & Current Affairs 30 3 hours
English Language 60
Aptitude for Service Sector 50
Total 200
Marking: For every correct answer in the Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude, Reasoning & Logical Deduction, General Knowledge & Current Affairs and English Language section, candidates will be awarded one mark. However, for every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted from their total.